I am a computational molecular biophysicist passionate about evolution of complexity and decentralized forms of governments.I am a postdoc at Leiden Universityin the Briegel Lab where I continue my studies in the evolution of chemotaxis networks and data sharing using blockchain technology.I am also one of the developers of the MiST3 database. I received my PhD in Physics with Igor Zhulin at Oak Ridge National Laband University of Tennessee. Next, I spent five years as a postdoctoral scholar at Caltechin the Jensen Labwhere I led the bioinformatics studies in macromolecular machineries and chemotaxis.In a distant past, I worked with Atomic Optical Clocksat the Time and Frequency Division at NISTsupervised by Chris Oatesand Flavio Caldas da Cruz.I am a co-founder of the Art+Science collective Schema47in Los Angeles and I am a member of the core team of the cryptocurrency FLO. I collaborate with the Brazilian Pirate Partyand Vote na Web.