
The latest news from the Briegel lab
Ariane was interviewed by Mark Martin for Matters Microbial Podcast!

Matters Microbial #4: Extreme Microbial Closeups: Cryo-EM and Fine Structure of Microbes with Ariane Briegel August 25, 2023 Everyone thinks microbes are very small, and most of them are. But how to s…

Ariane is appointed as Medical Delta Professor

16 November 2022 Yesterday, eight professors were simultaneously inaugurated as ‘Medical Delta professor’, at Leiden University, LUMC, TU Delft, Erasmus University and Erasmus MC. Ariane Briegel, rese…

New NWO ENW-XL grant funded!

 “Live or let die: the intracellular fate of pathogenic mycobacteria” Why are mycobacteria such successful pathogens? And are there defence mechanisms in the body that help reduce an infection? We wil…

Luxart Workshop with Dr. Mark Martin and Dr. Jennifer Quinn

We had a ton of fun with Mark and Jenny, who taught us how to draw art with luminescent bacteria! Here are the three winners for the tardigrade prize!

Jamie has successfully defended his thesis!

We are very proud of your accomplishments, and wish you all the best in your new postdoc position!

Cofold grant funded by Novo Nordisk!

One of the great scientific questions of molecular biology is how RNA and protein molecules fold into their final functional shapes. Even though some progress has been made, we are still very far from…

Briegel Lab Chronicles

Interested what the lab has done in the year 2020? Check out the Briegel Lab Chronicles!

Moore foundation grant funded!

Nanoscale insights into an Animal-Bacterial Symbiosis The Symbiosis in Aquatic Systems initiative from the Moore Foundation will enable new research into the squid-vibrio symbiosis model. The collabor…

Quarantine Newsletters!

In order to keep my lab entertained during the time with restricted lab access, I have written weekly newsletters. Over the past weeks, the readership and also the contributions have grown beyond my o…

Manual Plunger Files

Do you want to build your own plunger as described here? Here are the documents you might need! chamberDownload dewarDownload main-assyDownload Movie general overview Movie blotting

Quarantine Quiz

Can you get all answers right? Take the quarantine quiz here!

NWO Groot funded!

Helping crops A Science-GROOT grant of 3 million euros has been awarded to a consortium led by Professor of Microbial interactions and diversity Jos Raaijmakers (IBL / NIOO), Professor of Molecular bi…

Ariane gives a public lecture at the Niko Tinbergen Lecture

Ariane presents the Briegel-lab research during the Tinbergen Lecture. From the press release: Bacterial noses Then professor of Ultrastructure Biology Ariane Briegel of the Institute of Biology expla…

‘Detecting pediatric cancer with bacteria’ grant funded by KWF!

Great news for the lab! The grant written by Alise and Ariane to detect neuroblastoma using bacterial chemotaxis behaviour has been funded by KWF! 

NWO Klein XS grant funded

Great news for the lab! The grant application “Efficient and flexible platform to isolate and study bacteriophages” got awarded. The research that has been developed together with postdoc Dr. Susanne…

Alise and Ariane wrote a blog post for “Small Things Considered”: Space-tolerant Micronauts

Alise and Ariane wrote a blog post for “Small Things Considered” on a recent paper using cryoET and FIB milling to gain new insight into sporulation in Bacillus. Its titled “Space-tolerant Micronauts”…

Ariane is new co-director at NeCEN!

Ariane Briegel and Meindert Lamers are the new co-directors of NeCEN.  Briegel is Professor of Ultrastructural Biology at the Institute of Biology Leiden. Associate professor Meindert Lamers work…

Ariane presented an opening lecture and was interviewed at ASM Microbe!

Ariane presented the work of the Briegel lab to a full house in the San Francisco Moscone center for the ASM Microbe opening session. The presentation is now available online here. During the meeting,…

Briegel Lab Boat Trip!

To escape the summer heat, we took a boat trip through the Leiden canals and the Kaag lakes!   

Chemotaxis in the news!

Our paper  “In Situ Conformational Changes of the Escherichia coli Serine Chemoreceptor in Different Signaling States” published in mBio 1(0.1128/mBio.00973-19) has been featured on the Inst…

Talking to the public- Jamie gives a presentation in the seminar series “Biology on Tap”

On April first, Jamie gave a presentation in the public seminar series “Biology on Tap”. He did a fantastic job telling the public about our work!    Here he is, getting ready!   Jamie…

Interview: Taking a Closer Look at Microbial-Environmental Interactions With Cryo-EM

Interview by Karen Steward (PhD, science writer): No microbe is an island. Understanding how they interact with each other and their surrounding environment is important to harness their beneficial pr…

Lael Licht is visiting the lab!

This week, Lael Licht from the Rijnlands Lyceum is visiting the lab for her ‘world of work’ week. Master student Vera Williams is taking good care of her!

Surprise cooking workshop!

The Briegel lab went to a fun cooking workshop! Check out the fun pictures here.  

PNAS paper on the baseplate variability in chemoreceptor arrays online!

Another wonderful collaboration between the Briegel and the Ringgaard labs! Significance: The chemotaxis array is a macromolecular assembly employed by motile prokaryotes to sense their chemical…

The Briegel Lab was at the Tomography meeting 2018!

The complete Briegel lab attended the Tomography Meeting 2018 in Les Diablerets!  The next meeting will be chaired by us and the Förster group in 2020!  

Alise will join the lab!

Alise Muok, who recently received her PhD from Cornell University, will join the lab as a LEaDing Fellows Postdoc. We are very excited for her to join our team!  

Women in CryoEM

Do you want to organise an event including cryoEM and need female speakers? We have a list for that! It contains already over 100 female scientists in the field of cryoEM. Do you notice someone that i…

Smallest-ever Leiden University logo

21 February 2018 The logo of Leiden University, with letters as small as a bacterium. Researchers from LUMC and the Institute of Biology have created the smallest logo of our university ever produced….

FIB SEM training on the new Thermo Fischer Aquilos!

The training team milled their own picture with the new FIB SEM instrument!  

Cryo-Storage solution paper online!

An Open-Source Storage Solution for Cryo-Electron Microscopy Samples Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) enables the study of biological structures in situ in great detail and to solve protein structur…

The dark side of the new popularity of cryo-electron microscopy

The field of cryoEM has much to celebrate — with its election of the “Nature method of the year” in 2015, and now crowned with this year’s Nobel Prize for Dubouchet, Frank and Henderson, three pioneer…

Photoshoot with Monique Shaw (Shawfotografie)

Photoshoot with Monique Shaw (Shawfotografie)

We have never seen so much Detail (NRC)

NRC article on the Chemistry Nobel Prize fro Cryo-3D EM, with an interview of Prof. Ariane Briegel. Read at NRC (Dutch)

Chemistry Nobel Prize for 3D Images of Molecules

Read more at Leiden University (Dutch)

We are in the Dutch News!

NRC: Eindelijk kunnen we écht binnenin de cel kijken  

Escape Room Challenge!

Briegel-Lab outing, April 2017: We solved the escape room! Thousands of images of frozen bacteria

Briegel Lab and Ariane Briegel are featured on Thousands of images of frozen Bacteria

NWO grants two IBL-proposals by interdisciplinary research consortia

Recently, NWO has decided to grant two interdisciplinary research proposals for national and international consortia submitted by researchers from the Institute of Biology Leiden. One of the proposals…

New insights into chemical sensing of the human pathogen for cholera

The bacterium Vibrio cholerae is a serious threat to our health because it is the causative agent of cholera. Worldwide, over a billion people per year are at risk of cholera infection. New strains of…

Mayor of Leiden visits NeCEN

Last Monday April 18, Bram Koster (professor at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), professor at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)) and Ariane Briegel (professor at the IBL) gave a presen…

Female IBL professors on display in the Academy building

Only one out of six professors in the Netherlands is female. At the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) female professors are in minority as well. However, we are proud to have three female professors a…

Press Release from the Leiden University

New IBL-professor in Ultrastructural Biology: Ariane Briegel Ariane Briegel has been appointed Professor in the fìeld of Ultrastructural Biology within the Faculty of Science at the Institute of Biolo…

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