Ariane Briegel


Matters Microbial #4: Extreme Microbial Closeups: Cryo-EM and Fine Structure of Microbes with Ariane Briegel August 25,…

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Link to the interview

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16 November 2022 Yesterday, eight professors were simultaneously inaugurated as ‘Medical Delta professor’, at Leiden University, LUMC,…

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 “Live or let die: the intracellular fate of pathogenic mycobacteria” Why are mycobacteria such successful pathogens? And…

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We had a ton of fun with Mark and Jenny, who taught us how to draw art…

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One of the great scientific questions of molecular biology is how RNA and protein molecules fold into…

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Interested what the lab has done in the year 2020? Check out the Briegel Lab Chronicles!

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Nanoscale insights into an Animal-Bacterial Symbiosis The Symbiosis in Aquatic Systems initiative from the Moore Foundation will…

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In order to keep my lab entertained during the time with restricted lab access, I have written…

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Apr 14, 2020
Manual Plunger Files

Do you want to build your own plunger as described here? Here are the documents you might…

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Apr 7, 2020
Quarantine Quiz

Can you get all answers right? Take the quarantine quiz here!

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Feb 28, 2020
NWO Groot funded!

Helping crops A Science-GROOT grant of 3 million euros has been awarded to a consortium led by…

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Ariane presents the Briegel-lab research during the Tinbergen Lecture. From the press release: Bacterial noses Then professor…

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Great news for the lab! The grant written by Alise and Ariane to detect neuroblastoma using bacterial…

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Great news for the lab! The grant application “Efficient and flexible platform to isolate and study bacteriophages”…

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Alise and Ariane wrote a blog post for “Small Things Considered” on a recent paper using cryoET…

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Ariane Briegel and Meindert Lamers are the new co-directors of NeCEN.  Briegel is Professor of Ultrastructural Biology…

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Ariane presented the work of the Briegel lab to a full house in the San Francisco Moscone…

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To escape the summer heat, we took a boat trip through the Leiden canals and the Kaag…

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Our paper  “In Situ Conformational Changes of the Escherichia coli Serine Chemoreceptor in Different Signaling States” published…

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On April first, Jamie gave a presentation in the public seminar series “Biology on Tap”. He did…

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Interview by Karen Steward (PhD, science writer): No microbe is an island. Understanding how they interact with…

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This week, Lael Licht from the Rijnlands Lyceum is visiting the lab for her ‘world of work’…

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The Briegel lab went to a fun cooking workshop! Check out the fun pictures here.  

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Another wonderful collaboration between the Briegel and the Ringgaard labs! Significance: The chemotaxis array is a macromolecular assembly…

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The complete Briegel lab attended the Tomography Meeting 2018 in Les Diablerets!  The next meeting will be…

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Alise Muok, who recently received her PhD from Cornell University, will join the lab as a LEaDing Fellows…

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Jun 27, 2018
Women in CryoEM

Do you want to organise an event including cryoEM and need female speakers? We have a list…

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21 February 2018 The logo of Leiden University, with letters as small as a bacterium. Researchers from…

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The training team milled their own picture with the new FIB SEM instrument!  

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An Open-Source Storage Solution for Cryo-Electron Microscopy Samples Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) enables the study of biological structures…

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The field of cryoEM has much to celebrate — with its election of the “Nature method of…

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Recently, NWO has decided to grant two interdisciplinary research proposals for national and international consortia submitted by…

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The bacterium Vibrio cholerae is a serious threat to our health because it is the causative agent…

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